Good afternoon by Indian Standard Time .....
Before I start writing my today's blog I would like to say a big thank you to all my viewers and readers. It is a great motivating factor for me to open out my heart before you which is full of life experiences like any one of us. I will consider myself to be extremely fortunate if I am able to connect with you for mutual understanding and benefit.
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Having done very well in the 1st year of my engineering, I possibly became a bit complacent or may be slightly over confident which did not allow me to achieve a similar success in the 2nd year.
Also there was one paper in the final examination the questions of which were totally out of syllabus and there was a spontaneous walk out by all the examinees. Later on during informal discussions with our concerned professor, it was very clear that even he was surprised with the questions but we all were helpless at that time.
I am not sure whether today's generation will be able to correlate with such situations in the then academic arena but this is how it was during those days. It's a different matter altogether that we had a very strong Vice Chancellor of our university at that time who did not allow this paper to be held again though we kept on requesting him for 02 years. He was a strict disciplinarian and I guess this is why he did not budge from his stand. Many of us were compelled to appear again to clear this paper but I was lucky enough to go through on the basis of my marks in the terminal examinations wherein you were given a maximum of 5 grace marks by deducting double the grace marks from the aggregate but only if it were limited to one subject. I was given a grace marks of 3 to attain the pass mark of 35 but lost 6 from the aggregate in return. I can't say whether this system is still being followed ?
Bye for now..........
Learning every moment from life and all of you......
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