Good morning ...
Suprabhat.......'s a somewhat pleasant cloudy morning today bringing some respite from scorching heat since last more than a fortnight.
Writing my 10th blog today.....entered double digit.....celebrating one more milestone in my blog writing....HURRAH......
Having passed out I.Sc. and been admitted to engineering course in a college of my choice was nothing less than achievement of a big dream at that time......
Have already shared a few things about my experiences while in engineering college in my earlier blogs but there are still quite a few which I like to share.....
My college was located in a remote place and the nearest township, an industrial township but very small considering the size of the industry itself, was somewhat a dampener on my spirits when I first landed there. But I now realize in hindsight that the location must have been decided on certain important considerations for the benefit of the students ....without any commercial considerations which is now rampant everywhere in our education system. Moreover, the routine used to be such those days that you would be kept fully occupied ...from morning to evening....without any mental diversion.....the classes would resume at 8 AM and continue till 5 or 5:30 PM with a lunch break of an hour and half. And then the home work to be done in the evening hours ......
I was put into a 4 bedded room on the first floor in the hostel where I had no choice but luckily got very good nature studious type of roommates. Our relationship grew and grew and grew and it continues even now .....
The only recreation available in the hostel was confined to the 4 walls of a common room where there will be one or two newspapers ...may be one or two magazines...can't confirm with certainty few outdoor games like football, volley ball etc ......used to go out on Sundays for outing along with my friends to nearby places....cherish the happy memories...
And the ragging of the the seniors....something which used to cross limits in some cases ......but there was an unwritten would not be subjected to it if you had some senior student known to you.....I luckily had a cousin brother in Metallurgical engineering year senior to me..of course he is no more now .....died on the operation table in a clinic....God bless his soul !
So my ragging was basically confined to general introduction barring one instance of verbal ragging .... call me if you would like to have the details.....
Excited to be alive for one more day .......
View my blogs on
2. My Blog on FB page @SK1955
3. My twitter handle @skumar272010
Suprabhat.......'s a somewhat pleasant cloudy morning today bringing some respite from scorching heat since last more than a fortnight.
Writing my 10th blog today.....entered double digit.....celebrating one more milestone in my blog writing....HURRAH......
Having passed out I.Sc. and been admitted to engineering course in a college of my choice was nothing less than achievement of a big dream at that time......
Have already shared a few things about my experiences while in engineering college in my earlier blogs but there are still quite a few which I like to share.....
My college was located in a remote place and the nearest township, an industrial township but very small considering the size of the industry itself, was somewhat a dampener on my spirits when I first landed there. But I now realize in hindsight that the location must have been decided on certain important considerations for the benefit of the students ....without any commercial considerations which is now rampant everywhere in our education system. Moreover, the routine used to be such those days that you would be kept fully occupied ...from morning to evening....without any mental diversion.....the classes would resume at 8 AM and continue till 5 or 5:30 PM with a lunch break of an hour and half. And then the home work to be done in the evening hours ......
The only recreation available in the hostel was confined to the 4 walls of a common room where there will be one or two newspapers ...may be one or two magazines...can't confirm with certainty few outdoor games like football, volley ball etc ......used to go out on Sundays for outing along with my friends to nearby places....cherish the happy memories...
And the ragging of the the seniors....something which used to cross limits in some cases ......but there was an unwritten would not be subjected to it if you had some senior student known to you.....I luckily had a cousin brother in Metallurgical engineering year senior to me..of course he is no more now .....died on the operation table in a clinic....God bless his soul !
So my ragging was basically confined to general introduction barring one instance of verbal ragging .... call me if you would like to have the details.....
Excited to be alive for one more day .......
View my blogs on
2. My Blog on FB page @SK1955
3. My twitter handle @skumar272010
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