In my short stint of little over two months of blog writing, I have so far posted 26 blogs and this is the 27th. It has been a great experiencing sharing my real life experiences with my readers and I will feel privileged if it has helped a few of us to change and live life king size.
I am certainly a changed person as a human being now as what I am doing now was totally unimaginable by any stretch of imagination while I was a part of the corporate world. Not that I did not enjoy my corporate life but gone are the pressure of 24 X 7 working now and I can take life a bit easy.

Human beings never cease to learn. Life and necessities teach us so many things. I am no exception.
It also depends upon our attitude to keep pace with ongoing technological advancements which are happening at a frenetic pace these days. A few of these are necessities for our survival which we need to learn and adapt without which we are likely to be left behind in the race.

I gathered adequate knowledge of computers to cater to my personal and official responsibilities in my corporate life but have never been computer savvy.

However, a need arose to gather in depth knowledge about computers to cater to requirement of blog writing and this is what I have exactly been doing over last few weeks. It's really a pleasure and I am enjoying the learning experience.

There is a childish eagerness and inquisitiveness in me to explore the world more and more in my 2nd innings.

And I had the greatest satisfaction yesterday when I could create my own website http://familyisreal.com where also my blogs can be viewed. I will continue to learn every minute till I am able to master the art to an extent which will suffice to handle my website. It's indeed a milestone for me. I offer my deepest gratitude to God and Universe for the same. They have always been very kind to me.

As promised in my previous blog I go back to my 3rd year engineering course days.
Having suffered a sort of setback in the 2nd year with regard to my performance in the examination due to certain distractions which was nothing but complacency and also illness to some extent, I took a self pledge never to repeat the mistake.

Meanwhile all of us shifted to new hostel. Our college was a fully residential one and it was mandatory to shift to a new hostel at the beginning of every year.

Honestly speaking I am not one who subscribes to the principle of forgetting the world and concentrate wholly and solely on studies because it will never yield the desired result in the long run. I attended classes & sessionals regularly, studied hard, really hard but also enjoyed other things.

Our group Octet also grew with time and all of us were getting emotionally bound more and more. Perhaps we were accepting internally that the time to get separated was gradually approaching. Most of us are still in touch with each other off and on. We even have our second generation in place making us feel that we are catching up with our age.

But today's generation is in a different mould. It is much more responsible and enlightened. It knows what to do and what is the best for them ? The world has changed so much and there are so many avenues available for them which could not even be remotely thought of during our days. The need of the hour is to guide and give direction to their abilities suitably. In fact there is a lot for people like us to learn from them.

Going to movies on fortnightly basis, enjoying sun after lunch, sharing ground nut sitting on the lawn or in one of the rooms literally every day, gossiping sometimes, holding informal hardcore debates on any topic during examination preparation days are a few activities which would relieve me of the pressure and proved to be really helpful in the end.

It was a year of reckoning and I passed out with flying colours.

It not only restored my self confidence but also gave me a renewed vigour for doing even better in the 4th and final year. I will share this journey in my next blog...

Time flies and let us enjoy each and every moment...

Excited to be alive today...
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